Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feeling down in the dumps today =(

It's been 24hrs since Ive heard from Austin =( I know hes going to be busy and not having emails every day is expected, but its been a while since he's deployed and having him home everyday, well, I kinda got used to talking to him everyday. So yea, today stinks. Jordyn does keep me smiling though, when she's awake lol. And I say that because boy does she like to sleep. So I have a lot of down time and thats not good because I think about Austin and how long hes going to be gone for. And to put the cherry on the top of everything, Jordyn is oficially not nursing anymore =( I have nursed her for 2 months excusevly, then I wasnt producing enough for her so I would supplament. I felt so torn because I was dead set on nursing her for a year =*( My milk eventually dried up after 3 months. I really do miss nursing her. I enjoyed it. I tried everything to keep my milk up. Fenugreek, mothers milk tea, eating well, drinking water, nursing offten. NOTHING seemed to be working. I actually was able to pump more milk out of one breast. At least I can say I did it and it was for 3 months.

Anyways, today has not been my day. A lot of emotions ran wild today. Tomorrow will be better, at least that's how I look at it. I did feel better after the UPS man showed up and delivered some flowers from one of my military wife friends =) She sent them to cheer me up and they sure did.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Deployment is here BLAAAHHH =/

So I figured I would start blogging about it. I'm not great with blogging, but I figured I would give it a try. I guess it will help to get my emotions out and down in writing.

Well, its been a week now that Austin has been gone. My family came out and they just left yesterday. It was really nice having them out. I miss not having them here already. The days were moving fast when they were out. Now its just Jordyn and I and the days seem to be moving slower. Were going to look for things to keep us busy like play dates, meeting up with new friends and hopefully getting some traveling in. All that said, I'm sure time will fly by.

Jordyn and I are doing good. She is growing by the minute. She is learning new things so fast. Since Austin left, she has learned to laugh out loud. She has been smiling so much now. She is now wearing 6 months clothing (that reminds me I have to clean out her closet and switch some clothes around). She is sleeping through the night and has been since 2 months THANK GOODNESS =) I have a feeling were going to kick this deployment in the butt. I can't believe it's already been a week he's been gone. I know that I'll have my up and down days, but Jordyn keeps me smiling. I really don't get the down time to think about it because she keeps me busy and by the end of the day when I lay down I'm so exhausted I just want to sleep lol. I will try my best to get on here and blog as much as I can to keep everyone up to date on what's going on with us through out this deployment.